Monday, April 14, 2008

Barry Peak....Genius

Barry Peak is a mate of mine. I first met him in Belfast when he played for a band called BACKWATER but he has since played solo and for a band called

Barry Peak

If any of you saw Sonovagun play at Beautiful Days in 2006, he was the guy on lead guitar. Anyway in 2004 or so he came on holiday to New York and came to visit me one afternoon. We were both in a similar state of mind and predicament at the time so decided to make some music as a form of collective therapy. He laid down some songs that he had written recently and I concocted backing tracks with Reason on the computer. This is the only one that survived my computer crashing.

It's a rough and ready demo but I love it!!

Barry has his own Blog that heavily features veggieburgers, it's in my mates sites section.

Barry's Burger Blog

1 comment:

herry wilson said...

these are too much old . Bring some latest music. free downloads of music